babi posted in Bugs 9 years ago

I have few issues:


  • Pot Emblem, each time I got one in my bag I am able to iconize an Icon of Pot.

  • When I have all Emblems in my bag I dont get the Super-Sized Sycophant


  • First Blender, Saucepan and Grill achievements dont come up, I have used them more than 11 times


  • I havent got any even if I am sure I have petted, watered and harvested more than the 1st badges :D

  • _side note _ : I have a huuuuuuge quantity of spices, last time I have checked threre were more than 400 that I have never harvested. I should have a less quatity for sure
    a part all that is really pure fun.

n.b.: I open an issue on GitHub Too

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