thequietwitch posted in Bugs 9 years ago

When I try to play, it gets stuck at:

"Loading Streets

loading test from ./assets/locations/test.street"

Is there anything i can do on my end to get this working? Thank you, sorry for the dumb question!

Rebecca The Great replied 9 years ago

That happens to me all the time. On my andrioid tablet (chrome) and my iphone (safari) always. C.O.U. doesn't seem to want to load. and the laptop sometimes ( i switch between mozilla and IE)I just usually wait until the next day to try again.

Rebecca The Great replied 9 years ago

That happens to me all the time. On my andrioid tablet (chrome) and my iphone (safari) always. C.O.U. doesn't seem to want to load. and the laptop sometimes ( i switch between mozilla and IE)I just usually wait until the next day to try again.

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