Carnivale Justice posted in Ideas 7 years ago

Hey Devs, thank you for all you have done so far!

Please, at least until we have some other type of personal storage, (other than our bags) consider allowing mailed/sent items to stack. 

This would be a really great help.  Thank you

The Cat Face replied 7 years ago

That would be great

The Cat Face replied 7 years ago

That would be great

SingingHead replied 7 years ago

In my day, we didn't have any new-fangled houses or apartments in which to store our Inventory. We had to make do, keep only what we some ways we were more generous because we'd give away what we didn't need. Now, call me nostalgic, but I kind of like not having dwellings yet. It makes me reminiscent of the days when our houses were the bags on our backs. (But, then, I'm an old-school Glitchen.) wink

SingingHead replied 7 years ago

In my day, we didn't have any new-fangled houses or apartments in which to store our Inventory. We had to make do, keep only what we some ways we were more generous because we'd give away what we didn't need. Now, call me nostalgic, but I kind of like not having dwellings yet. It makes me reminiscent of the days when our houses were the bags on our backs. (But, then, I'm an old-school Glitchen.) wink

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