jamaginary posted in Ideas 9 years ago (edited 9 years ago)

So ppvk showed me how to change the music! Also, a list of what songs play what. To change the music, you use the command:


for example: /playsong forest plays Forest 2a, which is the Groddle music.

Here's a full list!

  • ancestral: Ancestral Lands 2.6
  • ancient: Ancient Caves Arrangement 1.5.2
  • crowns: Game of Crowns 1.1
  • dream: Dream Theme
  • enchanted: Enchanted Forest 1a
  • firebog: Firebogs Arrangement 2.1
  • forest: Forest 2a
  • highlands: Highlands 1.1
  • horns: 11 Giants Horns
  • ilmenskie: Ilmenskie Caverns Arangement 5.8
  • kloroandhaoma: Kloro and Haoma
  • lullaby: Giant Lullaby
  • nottis: Nottis Arrangement 1.4
  • piano: 11 Giants Piano
  • rainbow: Rainbow Run Acoustic
  • rube: The Rube Song Remix
  • uralia2: Uralia Arrangement 2
  • uralia3: Uralia Arrangement 3
  • urwok: Urwok Forest 1b (Balzare and Roobrik)


beatsfantastic replied 9 years ago

One of the best features of this game is the music. so excited to get playing again!

beatsfantastic replied 9 years ago

One of the best features of this game is the music. so excited to get playing again!

Girlgeek replied 9 years ago


Girlgeek replied 9 years ago


Axa replied 9 years ago

Ooooh! THank you so, so much!

Axa replied 9 years ago

Ooooh! THank you so, so much!

Axa replied 9 years ago

Um, quick question--how do you get the music to stop? I've now got the highlands and Ancestral lands playing at the same time.  Please help!

Axa replied 9 years ago

Um, quick question--how do you get the music to stop? I've now got the highlands and Ancestral lands playing at the same time.  Please help!

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