Jamaginary posted in General 8 years ago

Ever find yourself meandering with no energy, stuck, and no devs around? Boy do I have a solution for you.

I recently acquired myself an Emblem (of Spriggan due to reasons) and it is incredibly helpful.

Basically, when you Consider it, it generates energy... and while it varies, it seems to be somewhere between 6-17, pretty consistently more in the 8-14 range.

Also, and I'm not sure if this is intentional or not (but please devs, leave it for now if it isn't), you can Consider numerous times in a row without waiting for it to finish, and suddenly have 50+ energy while you wait, stuck in a code hole.

So yes. Meat generates 1 favor per, so start throwing piggy slices into the nearest shrine! Or if you rather, some rocks. Or gems, if you can.

Axa replied 8 years ago

This is a terrific suggestion! Alternatively, collect enough quoins ot buy a focusing orb. You can focus energy to the tune of 10 pts per session. That will also help if you're stuck and need to teleport out.

Axa replied 8 years ago

This is a terrific suggestion! Alternatively, collect enough quoins ot buy a focusing orb. You can focus energy to the tune of 10 pts per session. That will also help if you're stuck and need to teleport out.

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