If anyone is able to help, I'm stuck in Neva Neva - I teleported in to get the completion badge, but it won't load, and I can't get back into the game. I'd be so grateful for someone to move me. [...]
  • Posted by Thamsyn
  • 3 years ago
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That's it. Login using your Google account since is the only method that actually works.
  • Posted by dami_desu
  • 3 years ago
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Have been logging on sporadically never see anyone on, anyone still here? :(
  • Posted by cam cam
  • 4 years ago
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I have been trying to find a way to change my password, my profile page doesn't show any links to my account details and I can't find anywhere to do it. I know that my password has been found by [...]
  • Posted by Leithwyn
  • 5 years ago
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Hellooo, I am wondering if we can actually write a bio on our profile, and if so, how do we do it? Thanks!
  • Posted by spindrift
  • 5 years ago
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I wasn't able to log onto the game for a few months, but after some bug fixes I'm online and hopping around! It's good to see other active players (today there was a whopping 8 online!); [...]
  • Posted by OMG BACON!!
  • 5 years ago
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Hi, I'm a obssesive-compulsive explorer in almost every game and I'm trying to get all Completist achievements. However, unless I missed some hidden streets, I think it's currently not really [...]
Hello Glitchen Urchins, just days ago I realized that the state of the game improved dramatically and realized that it's time to get back to Ur. However, it's really rare to meet other players [...]
If so, let's plan a party! Try to find a time/date that works for everyone who wants to participate. . . So we can all be together in Ur. Make food and drink. . . Stand around and scratch our [...]
Its kinda sad wandering around and having noone to chat with :(
I just saw this announcement on Facebook. It wasn't posted here, so I thought I'd let y'all know.
I just found Children of Ur. First off: THANK YOU for what you've got here! I so terribly missed Glitch! I can't believe that I hadn't found this before! Second: Now that I've found this, I see [...]
  • Posted by Snow Crash
  • 6 years ago
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  • 1 subscribed
how does skill work now? i do not see a website to learn skills
  • Posted by darkseed
  • 6 years ago
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Hi everyone, Just checking in! Hope everyone had a good Christmas New Year! It's quiet in game, hope to see some of you around soon! Milly x
  • Posted by Milly21
  • 6 years ago
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Kindda lonely here :-(. Give a shout on social media so people come give the game a chance.
  • Posted by cthulhu
  • 6 years ago
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...for whoever threw a big ol' Abbasid barbeque in Tandem Flush!
  • Posted by guinevak
  • 6 years ago
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I can't play the game for a couple days. The loading screen seems to go on forever... I worked last sunday, though. I've tried another browser, sans issue. Am I the only one? I'm using firefox [...]
  • Posted by Sekhmet
  • 6 years ago
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Hello fellow Urchin! I decided to create a list of streets that have cool or special things going on in case someone is looking to explore or for a specific item! Oktyabrya, Uralia - there is a [...]
I'm at 73X and can go no higher. Is that the limit?
  • Posted by lizzibabe
  • 7 years ago
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It's been a while since I played the game, and I'm on a new computer, but I can't get the game to load in Chrome OR Firefox. It lets me login, I refresh the page and it shows the welcome loading [...]
  • Posted by DaisyMay
  • 7 years ago
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  • 2 subscribed