Li'll Missy Brenda posted in General 9 years ago

It feels kinda cool, to have other weather conditions,  however, it seems to make the game a bit laggy for me.  Also, a few questions if I may...  will the energy bar ever increase above 100?  I need to focus between every rock that I mine at least 5 or more times.  Is this just a leveling issue?  Thank you for fixing the bug with losing currants and today I am able to actually sell my items and recieve currants for them.   Is the bag usable or am I just being a newbe?  BTW............  I LOBE you guys for doing this and thank you for all the hard work I know you are putting into bringing back our beloved Glitch.

Zean replied 9 years ago

i'm keeping the weather effects disabled for the same reason, got bad memories after being "frozen" in the rain

Zean replied 9 years ago

i'm keeping the weather effects disabled for the same reason, got bad memories after being "frozen" in the rain

Marla Singer replied 8 years ago

I'm not a fan of the rain, seems to really make the game laggy :(

Marla Singer replied 8 years ago

I'm not a fan of the rain, seems to really make the game laggy :(

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