Thaderator posted in Announcements & Events 8 years ago

It was recently discussed in global chat that the tree health seemed like it was lacking. It occurred to me that people may not have picked up on the fact that trees now require water in order to regain their harvestable resource.

This is different than it was in the past. Before the last update, trees would respawn at various health levels each time you entered the street. As of the current update, this is no longer the case. The trees state will be remembered and reloaded each time.

This means that if they get harvested, they will also need to be watered to restore their resource.

As a side note: you cannot water a tree while it is raining. That would just be silly tongue-out. But, the tree does act like it is getting watered while raining, restoring some fruit without player interaction.

tis replied 8 years ago

I've been thinking a lot about tree health too. One thing I've noticed is that trees only regenerate while it's raining if a player is on the street. I tested this by harvesting a spice tree all the way down and then timed it's regen while I remained on the street. It took less than 30 mintues to regen completely. I drained the tree again and switched to another street and waited 30 minutes. When I came back, it hadn't regenerated at all but immediately started when I showed up.  

My strategy for harvesting large amounts of spice lately has been to only harvest while it's raining. I harvest twice on each tree in West Spice and then start over, always remaining on that street. The regen is faster than the harvesting so I can harvest endlessly and the trees get healthier in the process because I'm on the street, and I don't have to water :D I've found this to be a much better strategy than sticking to one tree.

tis replied 8 years ago

I've been thinking a lot about tree health too. One thing I've noticed is that trees only regenerate while it's raining if a player is on the street. I tested this by harvesting a spice tree all the way down and then timed it's regen while I remained on the street. It took less than 30 mintues to regen completely. I drained the tree again and switched to another street and waited 30 minutes. When I came back, it hadn't regenerated at all but immediately started when I showed up.  


My strategy for harvesting large amounts of spice lately has been to only harvest while it's raining. I harvest twice on each tree in West Spice and then start over, always remaining on that street. The regen is faster than the harvesting so I can harvest endlessly and the trees get healthier in the process because I'm on the street, and I don't have to water :D I've found this to be a much better strategy than sticking to one tree.

cthulhu replied 8 years ago

I also noticed something strange. If raining restores the tree health, then every time it rains, the tree should gain one level of health, right? So, over time, if left unharvested, the tree should get to its full adult plentiful splendour. However, I noticed small trees (fruit, bean, bubble) that I water a lot, they become full of fruit, and then the watering option is greyed out (it's not raining) and they still don't grow. They get 'stuck' in the little tree appearance.

cthulhu replied 8 years ago

I also noticed something strange. If raining restores the tree health, then every time it rains, the tree should gain one level of health, right? So, over time, if left unharvested, the tree should get to its full adult plentiful splendour. However, I noticed small trees (fruit, bean, bubble) that I water a lot, they become full of fruit, and then the watering option is greyed out (it's not raining) and they still don't grow. They get 'stuck' in the little tree appearance.

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