Artofhands posted in Ideas 8 years ago

I have zero idea how hard this would be to do.  zero... but what if we just had a place that was ours where we could keep stuff.  Like a great big bag that we didn't carry around and could not customize but the only player who owned it could get take stuff out.   Can't go in or or do stuff inside... but maybe it woudl be kind of bottomless?  

cthulhu replied 8 years ago

That's a great idea, but, like you, I have no idea how implementable it would be.

cthulhu replied 8 years ago

That's a great idea, but, like you, I have no idea how implementable it would be.

Thaderator replied 8 years ago

I think this sounds like a reasonable thing. While the forums are a great place for discussion, you should use the in-game bug/suggestion reporter. That will create an issue on GitHub which we can track and place in an appropriate release, etc.

Thaderator replied 8 years ago

I think this sounds like a reasonable thing. While the forums are a great place for discussion, you should use the in-game bug/suggestion reporter. That will create an issue on GitHub which we can track and place in an appropriate release, etc.

Dartha replied 7 years ago

Oh, I love this idea!  Some sort of supplemental storage would be splendid.  I imagine each region would have 1 street chosen to have a storage box, where players could dump off items and access them from any storage box across Ur!  The art asset could be something that isn't really used in game except for houses, so perhaps a furniture item?

Perhaps the storage box could be later used for a sort of "trading post" where players can auction, offer trades, or outright place items on sale for other players to purchase.

I hope this isn't hard to implement, heh, I also have little clue about the technicalities of things!

EDIT: Here is the GitHub link:

Dartha replied 7 years ago

Oh, I love this idea!  Some sort of supplemental storage would be splendid.  I imagine each region would have 1 street chosen to have a storage box, where players could dump off items and access them from any storage box across Ur!  The art asset could be something that isn't really used in game except for houses, so perhaps a furniture item?


Perhaps the storage box could be later used for a sort of "trading post" where players can auction, offer trades, or outright place items on sale for other players to purchase.


I hope this isn't hard to implement, heh, I also have little clue about the technicalities of things!


EDIT: Here is the GitHub link:

Skymaw replied 7 years ago

Well, every area has a street with a mailbox. They're originally for sending letters and things, but they could also be used to "mail" things to yourself, and sort of put them permanently in storage. Until home streets are implemented, that is. I'd like to be able to start hoarding planks for future renovations. 

Skymaw replied 7 years ago

Well, every area has a street with a mailbox. They're originally for sending letters and things, but they could also be used to "mail" things to yourself, and sort of put them permanently in storage. Until home streets are implemented, that is. I'd like to be able to start hoarding planks for future renovations. 

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