Scandals and society gossip
~ Groddle Forest Junction, Febday, 16th of Candy ~
Pumpkin Caverns Sock Hop
Urchins gathered today for Elle's spicy pumpkin sock hop somewhere in the hinterlands. It was rocky, there were caves, we all ate pumpkin pie and hopped around. Free pumpkin seed party favors for everyone. Now the community gardens are bulging with pumpkins! A kind soul has also scattered a variety of seed packets and digging tools in Middle Arbor for new gardeners to try their hand at hoeing.
Fruit of Disrepute
Performance artists today reportedly created sculptures of ill repute using commonly obtainable food items. Around here if it's longer than it's wide, it's not just a pickle! What next, fluffy bunnies and long necked giraffes ? (Is that a Hearty Groddle Sandwich or are you just happy to see me?)
Drug Labs of Uralia
Society further degenerated today as an illicit no-no powder lab was discovered in Cebarkul. Heaps of white powder were strewn amidst torn paper, tincturing kits, and plain white envelopes. Without herbs, the only alchemy possible is making No-No. Intrepid Urlings soon found that the pleasant but unhealthy powder has no effect at all. Keep at it, street scientists of Ur!
Reporters Needed
Our fine newspaper will soon need reporters or will go to a very irregular schedule as our regular correspondent has mostly recovered from illness and must return to another universe in order to do some wild and woolly software releasing. Anyone can write a new issue of The Urling Times, or start a rival newspaper, any time!
- The (sometimes) Editor
Apparently, this vendor was enthusiastic about the phalluses (phallusi?) being left below it.
So inappropriate.
Apparently, this vendor was enthusiastic about the phalluses (phallusi?) being left below it.
So inappropriate.