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MariolovesLPS posted in Voting 9 years ago

     Hello everyone! I've been thinking that we need to be called something since "Glitchen" isn't the most appropriate. Cast your suggestions down below and we'll see who gets voted the most!

11 pts

Lead replied 9 years ago


8 pts

Lord Lalo of Glitch replied 9 years ago

Glitchen. smile It's a nice homage to where this whole thing comes from, and in all honesty it's probably a better name for a species than for a game. “A character in Children of Ur is called a ‘Glitch’. Don't ask why, they just are. And the plural is ‘Glitchen’. And the collective is ‘a preposperity of Glitchen’. Welcome to Ur!”

3 pts

Axa replied 9 years ago


1 pt

Miss Melody replied 8 years ago

Once a Glitchen always a Glitchen.

1 pt

Lux Interior replied 9 years ago

Urthens...but I really agree that we should still be called Glitchen because I personally feel like I'm disrespecting Glitch by playing a remake and not saving the original name of the players. I think people will agree when I say Glitch played a role in my life that I myself have kind of become a 'real life' Glitch. We need to respect that and our roots and stay with Glitchen.

0 pts

Thaderator replied 9 years ago

Uropeans (via Brian G on g+)

-1 pt

Klikini replied 9 years ago


-1 pt

Dartha replied 9 years ago

I'm really digging Axa's idea - Urchins!  Then we can say things like, "See, Urchins?"  (aka sea urchins).  Heh.

-1 pt

cthulhu replied 8 years ago


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