Zog posted in General 7 years ago

I'm pleased to announce that I've brought Zog's Glitchy Tools back. Currently it's pretending to be logged in as me, but during the after-game and while the API was still up I grabbed as much info as I could from it. That means for many players I have their last locations and some amount of profile information. For people that used ZGT back in the day, I may also have inventory contents.

Currently it shows you everything as if you were logged in as me, but I plan to bring back data for other people somehow. Parts of the site are currently broken, so please don't complain too loudly.



Thaderator replied 7 years ago

Hey Zog, this is great. I still have your site bookmarked in fact. smile

Thaderator replied 7 years ago

Hey Zog, this is great. I still have your site bookmarked in fact. smile

b3achy replied 7 years ago

Zog, it was never gone for me...I've had it bookmarked all these years (and was even using it while I was an Eleven Alpha Tester).  Good luck with the updating...it was one of the best sets of tools out there, IMO.

b3achy replied 7 years ago

Zog, it was never gone for me...I've had it bookmarked all these years (and was even using it while I was an Eleven Alpha Tester).  Good luck with the updating...it was one of the best sets of tools out there, IMO.

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